Must Watch YouTubers

                  The Gabbie Show
The first time I watched Gabbie it was a compilation of her "If I were a parent" series. One of my friends posted it on Facebook and I could not stop laughing. I looked it up on YouTube only to find this girl has a show. The more I watched the more I became hooked. What is so awesome about Gabbie's show is that you feel like a personal friend of hers. Her stories are hilarious! 
Gabbie is also so appreciative of her fans which she expresses in every video with a fun "luv ya" and kiss sign off. 
Honestly she reminds me of how I am with my friends when she tells her stories. My favorite episodes are her horrible dating stories. If you haven't checked her out yet, do it! Check out The Gabbie Show on YouTube! And show her the love because she is fabtabulous (No I didn't misspell fabulous, that is my own word that goes beyond fabulous)

                        Joe Santagato
Okay ladies, we have got to admit the obvious...Joe is beautiful to look at, no lie but what comes out of his mouth is nothing short of hilarious. He is honest and let's face it, we're all thinking the same thing. One of the first videos I watched of Joe's was his Idiots on the Internet episodes. Granted we all make typos here and there but OMG these seem much more than just your average typos. The People of Walmart episdoes, another must see because let's face it you know you're searching Walmart of these creatures. I know I am though I'm not sure what to do once I encounter one. Joe also has a podcast called The Basement Yard which I still need to check out but will today! If you haven't seen his video, check out Joe Santagato on YouTube and his podcast The Basement Yard

These two are my absolute favorite people to watch and literally calm me down during the more dramatic/hectic times in my life. I would love to see Gabbie and Joe make a video together. That would be epic! Also their sign offs from their videos, very memorable. Anyway be sure to show these two some love! They're worth it! 


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