Life in Poverty

It amazes me that the government's answer to poverty is the food stamp program (SNAP) as well as other programs of assistance when people are in financial hardship. What they don't tell you is how THEY manipulate the program. I write this blog for those cheated out of assistance when they truly need it because of their so called high income. While the presidential candidates are too busy picking on each other whilst the untainted one is silenced, hard working Americans struggle to stay afloat. President Obama has always stated how the economy is so much better than it used to be and I pray you tell us Mr. President, where is it better? Allow me to show you some figures. I assure you I am not the only one who is mistreated by the system.

I applied for SNAP a few months back because all of my money as well as my boyfriend's money was and is going toward bills. I was honest in my application and the interview. They asked me in the interview why I was applying for food stamps and I told them what I'm about to tell you. After paying all of our bills we barely have enough money for food and it's difficult for us to go to a pantry at times because they are open when we're at work, closed when we leave, and not open on the days we are off. It's hit or miss and having the food stamps would help immensely, allowing us to put food in our household. About a week later I received the rejection letter saying I make too much. With my salary and my boyfriend's salary, we go over the limit by $200. Now bear in mind yes, it said I could appeal the decision but I refused. Why? I refused because I would have to take time from work to meet before a judge explaining why I oppose their decision. I didn't see a point when they would argue still I make too much. Why do I make too much? Well when these organizations continuously judge by an individual's GROSS income, then yes it appears I make too much. It's just a shame it's not my take home income.

According to my GROSS income for ONE paycheck, is around $1295 making my gross for the month $2590. Now watch the difference. After the taxes the government takes out as well as medical and the fee the Union takes out amongst other things, I actually only bring home $884, making my ACTUAL monthly income $1768. That is a difference of $822 a month. Is that not a drastic drop from the $2590 they see as my income of which I'm being rejected for financial assistance? The difference in my bi-weekly income between $1295 (GROSS) and the $884 (ACTUAL) is $411. Think what I could do IF I saw that extra $411 a month. I most likely wouldn't be seeking financial assistance. Now, I'm going to break this down even further.

Everyone has bills due throughout the month. Yes this is private information but I don't mind sharing this to give you a CLEARER picture of how the middle class is no longer existent in our society. I then want you to tell me how this is right.

$1768 is my actual monthly income. Here is my monthly expenses:

Rent: $715
Car: $318.20
Internet: $92 (approx.)
Electric: $244 (average)
Car Insurance: $136 (approx.)
Lawyer: $100
Cellphone: $160 (average)
Rental Insurance: $17.66
Total of necessities: $1782.86

Now that doesn't include groceries. The reason I'm showing you mine alone is because it is my GROSS salary alone which puts us over the limit to receive food stamps or ANY financial assistance even for help paying utilities. We get behind quite often because some of the bills tend to vary such as the electric and cellphone. Those of which I have put approximate beside are ones which I forget the cents for. There are many which are dealing with these unfortunate circumstances. Something needs to change. The government needs to stop having the guidelines of going by one's gross income. It is unjust as you can see. I needed to speak on this matter because there are those who manipulate the system and receive the money that should be going to those who truly need it. It's time this comes to an end. If it does not then I intend on helping others as much as I can as I rise in my career. No one should have to live like this. No one. 


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