Valentine's Day: Not Just for Lovers

Valentine's Day is known as a couple's holiday but the truth is it's anybody's holiday. However I will admit that it's more of a commercial holiday than an actual holiday. This is mainly because the purpose of the day is to show love but companies make a lot of money because people apparently decide that buying gifts for that special someone is how you show love. I'm not saying it's wrong to buy gifts for your loved one but I don't think that should be the focus. Originally I had planned a one night stay in Gettysburg for my boyfriend and myself but then I cancelled it because money is tighter than I originally thought. Unfortunately neither one of us has the money to have a Valentine's Day dinner or special outing but really it's just like any other day. I am blessed to be with this man every day. He is amazing and to have his love is gift enough for me. The thing is we show each other everyday that we love each other and we say it everyday so today is nothing special except it's another day I have with him.
There is also a special message to share today; the difference between love and love as an illusion. I have spoken to a few people about this because of their situations. It's no secret that everyone wants to have someone to share their life with. It's human nature to desire companionship. However sometimes we can be so desperate to make it happen that we mistaken it for God's Will. A perfect example is my past relationship. I thought so this is the man I'm going to be with. I literally made it happen. I endured all the emotional abuse and excused just about anything to keep it going. I thought, God sent me to him. This is my place, but I was wrong. There were numerous ways which I was wrong and God showed me but I ignored it thinking I knew better. We did get married after 5 years of being together but a year and a half later we divorced. I thought once we were married things would get better but they didn't. He got worse, disappearing for weeks at a time while I had no transportation to work and I was worried sick about him. He kept very little contact with me. When he did come home, I didn't know how long that would be for but then close to my birthday he disappeared again and he came home because I promised him money. It was the only way. Long story short it ended up with me moving to another city for him and then not even a year into us being at the new place, he cheated on me. This was God's big revelation to me that this is not the relationship for me. After the separation, I met new people, one of which became my roommate but also took advantage of my kindness. However through him I met someone that literally would change my life. He became my friend and through him I met my current boyfriend. When I met my boyfriend I literally heard God tell me that this was the man for me. I ignored it at first but then I developed feelings for him, unknowing that he liked me before I noticed him in that way. On the 17th, it is our year anniversary of being together and I have never felt more blessed. He literally makes me want to be a better person and we both work on it everyday.
Just because you're single, doesn't mean that this isn't a holiday for you too. You can show yourself the love by hanging with friends or treating yourself out. I did that a lot after my separation. I treated myself when I could. It's important to remember that overall, this is a commercial holiday and nothing more. We need to show each other we love each other everyday not just one day and as someone who has felt slighted all her life thus far, I finally found a love that I can live with and be proud of. Keep your head up and don't settle just settle. God has someone for you and He will reveal that person to you at the right time. Keep faith. He really does take you places you never dreamed possible (quoting Joel Osteen).


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