God Leads the Lost

I read Kanye's tweets concerning asking Mark and others for support, financial support as he is in debt. It's difficult to feel sympathy for someone who writes lyrics like the following:
"bet me and Ray J would be friends
If we ain't love the same bitch
Yeah, he might have hit it first
Only problem is I'm rich"
Those are lyrics from his song "Highlights." Here we hear and see a man who talks about being rich yet on twitter is begging for help from Mark Zuckerberg. There is a part of me that wants to chew him out so bad because struggling is living in an apartment you can barely afford and have all your money go to bills, leaving no money for food or very little money. However we don't know what goes on behind closed doors but I will say this to Mr. West as well as other artists.
When you give the appearance of not caring about anyone but your opinions, thoughts, and riches, and you flaunt it, God will take those gifts back. You have a beautiful family and a successful career. I don't believe that you are a bad person. I became a fan because of your song "Jesus Walks." I feel that somewhere along the way you lost your way. God wishes for us to remain humble. You can have a successful career and be humble. Your struggle is not the same as my struggle but remember that there are others who have it worse than you. You're not God. I am not God. I am a woman who walks in my faith with my own struggles here and there. I, too, am in debt but with bills and school loans. Most of us don't have a choice but to bounce back on our own. God wants us to stand on our own two feet. I will tell you that these are the points of which God carries us. Put your trust in him not someone else. When God gives you a blessing, don't flaunt it be humble and grateful for what He's given you. I pray for you.


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