Music Review: Amy Monzon

I saw that a woman named Amy Monzon liked my tweet about the music review I did for Demi Lovato. My curiosity got the best of me so I checked her twitter out then watched some of her videos. As my passion goes, I decided to write this critique. I'm taking a deep breath because I don't want to be misinterpreted here. Here we go...brace yourselves.
The first video I viewed was Amy's video for her song Addictive. I found myself not addicted to the song or the video. What I like about the song is the chorus but I feel the verses need work. I've had this problem when I used to write song lyrics and trust me, I have a whole batch of corny songs because I forced the rhyme. The song reminded me of the movie Music & Lyrics with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore because there was a character named Cora who was this huge teen pop sensation. Cora was a parody of all the sexually hyped teen idols and their songs. Amy didn't remind me of Cora but the song reminded me of a song that was created for a movie like that. I feel the rhyming is forced and that the verses could be better but with that said, Amy displays talent that is worthy of the right song.
The song Love Song, same thing. I felt there were lines that worked and lines that didn't. However, again, I feel the rhyming was rushed thus giving the song that lack of quality to be the best it can be. Due to the talent I see in Amy, I decided to check her covers and yes I found some lacking qualities there as well.
The one thing an artist must do is remember that you need to be familiar with your voice inside and out. By this I mean you need to know your limits. You also need to remember that because you like a song doesn't mean you should sing it. Let's begin with the cover of Adele's Hello. Amy's voice was incredibly pitchy and I feel that sometimes she was rushing it a bit, not staying with the musical score. That is a difficult song to sing. If you're heart is really set on singing that song I suggest you listen to Demi Lovato's version as well as Celine Dion's version. Listen to the control they have in their voice during that chorus and practice. 
The second cover I listened to was for Shakira's Empire. I give Amy credit for not trying to reach Shakira's pitch and trying to put her own twist on it but when you play with notes especially with a cover, you need to watch which ones you play with. In Amy's case, I don't think it worked in her favor but it was a good effort.
The final cover I watched was for Christina Aguilera's Impossible. Congratulations Amy! I loved this cover. You displayed your vocal abilities in this song without overdoing it. She displayed control over her vocals but pushed it at just the right points. This cover displays Amy's talent at its best. I truly believe that Amy has a lot of potential to make it in the music industry but like I said, you've got to take precaution and find that right song. I don't think you found your niche yet but I encourage you to test your voice out on different songs. I would suggest maybe trying an '80s song like Paula Abdul's Rush Rush, Michael Jackson's Human Nature, and Debbie Gibson's Lost in Your Eyes. I would also suggest taking Addictive and Love Song back to the drawing board. You have something there but I don't think it's together just yet. 


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