Children as Our Teachers

"In their innocence, very young children know themselves to be light and love. If we will allow them, they can teach us to see ourselves the same way."-Michael Jackson

One of the reason I love children is because they are so insightful, honest, loving, caring, and fun. They know how to live life. Some may think it is because they do not have the responsibilities an adult does but this is not the case. Children are innocent and not corrupted by our judgmental minds. It is adults who instill hatred and fear into the hearts of children.
It has been my experience that not allowing a child to develop their own opinions of situations is wrong. The same goes for those who are caught in the middle of divorce and/or separation. Children are used as pawns between parents, orchestrated by one or both parents to suit their selfish needs, to win the battle if you will. Children are sometimes taught to hate the other parent because the one they reside with bad mouths the other, telling the children lies instead of being responsible. I know this because I too have been a child who's opinion of my father was made up for me. I, along with my sisters, heard countless stories of my father and not in a good manner. The result was our misunderstanding of him and refusal to listen to his side. He died not feeling loved and it's a regret I've lived with for a very long time.
My younger sister is a good mother who learned from our experience and has allowed my oldest nephew to know his father so that he will develop his own relationship/opinion of him. Growing up as we did allows for us to have the correct notion that a child must know both mother and father with no tainting of the other. They must learn the truth from their own experience. Too many children have been punished by the misdeeds of adults. The amount of children reported missing and/or harmed has increased in recent years. It is children who should be our teachers of life. We must never forget our innocence and that's why I love spending time with my nephews. I do teach them right from wrong but I show them love and teach them the value of remaining who they are while growing.
Michael Jackson had the right idea about children. It's a shame that his fellow adults tainted that love to the perversions of our wicked minds and in that he never saw the redemption of his person. What we learn from children is not childish. Michael was right. My passion comes from what is in the best interest of children and yes having been what I've been through, I'm one of the few that knows what that is. I pray to God to bless me with a child of my own someday. I look forward to it. Remember if you cannot truly be a parent to a child, don't be one. Allow for the ones that want to love a child to do it. Spreading lies and using them for your own purpose hurts them and keeps them from those who truly love and care for them. God bless and protect all children.


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