"America I Stand With You" Campaign

I care for my country. I care for my countrymen. I care for the military, all branches and their families. I care for the families who are suffering under this declining economy who are told to their faces by our government that the economy is getting better while we, as the disappearing middle class, is handed the bill. My heart hurts for those the justice system has failed especially our children who are made to deal with parents who are selfish, uncaring, and irresponsible. My heart hurts for the amount of educational institutions have had to close due to lack of funding in education, particularly in Pennsylvania. My heart bleeds for the homeless veterans that are made to sleep in the streets while our government gives free housing to foreigners in need. My anger rises at the thought of how little our government does our country justice. My anger rises at how we are sure to take care of others in need but abandon our own countrymen.
I am not famous. I am not a celebrity or hot shot politician. I am not fake. I know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck unlike these circus clowns who call themselves presidential candidates and claim to understand the working man. To them I say the following:
YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHIT... when it comes to making every dollar stretch.
YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHIT...when it comes to working hard only to see your money go to bills while watching your debt grow because no one works with you. (And when they pretend they're "working with you" it's only if you pay them an obscene amount upfront first which you already told them you don't have)
YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHIT...when you own a house, struggle to keep it, or dream of owning a house but denied because of debt that you are trying to get a grasp on.
YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHIT...when you forgive all the banks yet still have us pay back student loans which put us through school that we were always taught we had to attend to get a better job yet find ourselves still in the shitty jobs we were in during school because most won't hire us due to being overly qualified or not qualified enough.
YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHIT...when we are assumed because of a particular job position that we have all this money and when we apply for government assistance to help stay on our feet, we are told we make too much money because they go by our GROSS income. I'm sorry the GOVERNMENT (state/federal) take out a good amount of taxes as well as having money from our check go toward benefits leaving us with lower than the GROSS to survive till the next check. Now THAT is GROSS.
YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHIT...when the people that vote for you contact you or try to contact you for help whether it be supporting a policy, asking advice, or whatever and making yourself UNAVAILABLE and the requests/pleas from those who VOTED for your ass goes unheard.

So tell me how great we're doing for being a rich country...In response, I would like to begin a campaign called the America I Stand With You Campaign which means those you post #AmericaIStandWithYou agree to stand together and hold our officials responsible when they're NOT doing their job, fight to make our country great from the inside out and if any of the Presidential candidates decide to use this hashtag you better start showing it through your actions.
There's only one candidate I don't see as a circus clown and that's Bernie Sanders so please Bernie follow through with your words. I hope my good feeling about you isn't wrong. Let's stand together and strong America. Let's take our country back to its greatness!


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