Congratulations, You are a Disgrace to Our Country

I am boiling mad about how these possible Presidential candidates are acting. You are doing more personal attacks than listening to the people of this country and you know what? The media is not innocent in all this either. Giving hype to it. Stick to the problems that are facing our country than taking personal stabs at each other. You each, Republican and Democrat are a disgrace to this country. This is why we're in the shape we're in because you even treat governmental positions like it's a joke. Really? I tell you what, come live in my shoes or another hard working American's shoes for one day, living paycheck to paycheck and tell me how funny this is then.
The government ROBS us of OUR money then say they won't lend us THEIR money because we MAKE TOO MUCH according to the GROSS PAY which we don't even see HALF of that PAY. Not even HALF of that do we bring home. You think it's funny now? Respect & love is the platform y'all are trying to take? Really? You don't even know the meaning of the words. You respect and love those you DEEM worthy, those WITH money. You want to know why most of us haven't donated money to your campaign? Because we're too BUSY trying to actually LIVE our lives the best way we know how, scrapping at every DIME. So get this...because I'm not a celebrity or have lots of money nobody GIVES A SHIT what I think about any of you, just like YOU don't care because I'm not BIG money. And you think this is a joke? You make me sick. I can't even stand to look at any of you. I love my country and want my country to be great again and all of YOU take it as a joke. When America is seen as a joke around the world, I point my finger at all of you! You should be ASHAMED of yourselves acting as you are. This is an IMPORTANT election because it is a FIGHT to SAVE our GREAT country and YOU just care about winning and making a spectacle of yourselves. Congrats because I am ASHAMED to call YOU my countrymen.


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