A Nation Divided What Happened to A Nation United?

I have never seen such separation in my life than now. In 9/11 we lost black, white, Asian, Spanish, etc. but they were all Americans. All their lives matter. You should be ashamed, those who support Black Lives Matter because it's not just black people who are suffering. Look at the hatred that spread. No life matters more than the other. ALL lives matter. Since this movement against police, many officers have been killed for senseless reasons. Are you proud of yourself? You influence people to become cop haters. Not all policeman are bad just like not all blacks, whites, immigrants, and refugees are bad. There was a time when we lived in peace. People were friendly to each other, and yes ignorance goes on and is never absent but there was a time we didn't fear everyone and everything. It's the same with this presidential election. We need to respect each other's opinions even if we don't agree. That's what the nominees should be promoting, unity.
Remember what our motto was shortly after 9/11 under Bush's Presidency? United We Stand. How quickly we forget. Every year we honor the memory of those brutally murdered on 9/11 on American soil. Donald Trump says he wants to make America great again then I offer you this, open your mind to other's opinions instead of calling them names or lashing out at them. Stop verbally attacking everyone and just talk to us. Show us how you will make us united again. I like Bernie because he is genuine. This is not a joke to him, he wants to give us a fair and better country. Hillary sold out. I've lost trust in her.
If we are ever going to have a chance at saving our country then we need to start respecting one another and show the world why America is great to begin with. We need to take care of our own before we take care of others. We need balance so all Presidential candidates, think about that as you speak to the public. Make America your agenda but make it a point to listen to what the people are telling/asking you. This is our country, we just trust in you to lead it as a true leader would.


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