America's Pretty Woman: Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts is a Pretty Woman inside and out. What captivates us with her? Well it's the same thing that makes her my #1 favorite actress. She actually ties with Sandra Bullock for me. Julia is known for her 400-watt smile. No, Ms. Roberts does not have a 100-watt, she has a 400-watt smile because she clearly lights up a room just by walking in it. The first movie I saw her in was Pretty Woman with Richard Gere. I will never forget because I saw the movie with my aunt and my grandmother. I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen especially in the black cocktail dress. She was so charming and breathtaking. I was 8 years old when I saw that film. My sisters and I protected my aunt and grandmother from the "bad" parts a.k.a. the passionate moments between Vivian and Edward. We laugh about it a lot now but it was and is my favorite Julia Roberts movie, well, one of them. I find myself conflicted when it comes to choosing my favorite movie with Julia because I love all of them. However just to name my top four, they would go in this order: Vivian from Pretty Woman, Shelby in Steel Magnolias, Maggie in Runaway Bride, and finally her portrayal of Erin Brockovich in Erin Brockovich. She just has this charisma that is infectious and makes you smile whether she's playing a good guy or an evil queen like in Mirror Mirror. The funny thing is that even as an evil queen she was so lovable and trust me, you never love the evil queen. You want her to die but she's Julia. Sure, she's the evil queen but she's still Julia. I was excited when I read of Chris Gaida's meeting/escorting the wonderful Julia because it was great to know that she is authentic in her personality in how she comes across in interviews. And let me tell you something, it's not just her smile that is noticeable but her eyes too. I always wanted to be like Julia, beautiful like Julia inside and out. Sometimes I feel like I am every time someone tells me they like my laugh or I have a great smile. Again I don't know her personally but she is truly one of the greatest and I hope to meet her someday just to enjoy her company. Love you Julia!


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