Music Review: John Tracy-Fairy Tales Come True

John Tracy
Single: Fairytales Come True
"Real Music for People Living Real Life" That is the slogan on John Tracy's website. His music is humble, relaxing, and natural. Fairytales Come True reminds me of the country music I grew up with. It brings the magic of what I've always believed in, the fairytales. I still do. As an adult, in a world full of such hatred, I still believe in the fairytales I've watched as a child. I feel this song illustrates the magic we create in our own lives. I feel John's message is that dreams do come true. His song gives a light of hope and gives us a great surge of good feelings on the inside.
I like the video especially because I love the contrast between the young prince and princess and the adult prince and princess. It's so sweet to see the little boy fighting off the "evil" boys to protect his princess. To see the progression from the young boy to the adult man in the same predicament is breathtaking. Chivalry is not dead. My other favorite part of the video is when John's love comes to join him and he sings that his fairytale came true. It is the sweetest moment in the video. What I love about both the song and video is how they compliment each other. They come together to tell the story as a whole.
I wrote a song years ago called Fairytale Love. It never came to light of course, but I still have the lyrics somewhere. I felt like John's Fairytales Come True is the answer to my lyrics in Fairytale Love. If I locate the lyrics, I'll share them on my mailing list.
My father used to sing me to sleep when I was younger. The ironic thing is John's voice reminds me a lot of my Dad. His voice is very loving, caring, and soulful. John's music makes me feel safe, happy, and that all is right in the world. This is what makes this song so special. I urge you to visit the Official John Tracy website for the Fairytales Come True music video as well as information on John and access to more of his music. It seems  I have a lot of building to do in my music library and John Tracy will definitely be in my collection. Thank you John for sharing such beautiful music but also for making music that brings such happy memories back to me.


  1. Thank you so much, Gemma, for the wonderful review and for your appreciation of the music. I've always wanted my songs to be encouraging, to give people hope, to know they aren't alone on their journey. It feels good to know that's how it is perceived.


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