Music Review: Fire Tiger-Energy

Fire Tiger
Single: Energy
The '80s were a pivotal period in music. The experimental sounds and looks that electrified a generation. Fire Tiger brings that electrifying sound back to the airwaves.
Energy brings the sound of the '80s to modern day times. Their sound reminds me of the rock styles of Jem and the Holograms. Now I know what you're thinking, Jem and the Holograms was not a real band but their music was unforgettable. All of us who grew up watching the '80s cartoon still remember the songs like they were still being played today.
With Energy I feel like putting on my neon leg warmers, pull my hair into a side ponytail with a huge scrunchie, and put on a series of random bracelets while dancing around my apartment without a care in the world. Energy's beat is very similar to that of She's Got the Power from Jem and the Holograms. It's a fun track that not only takes us back to what makes music great but it takes us beyond the basics. This song holds a message for our world as it is today but with the reminder of why yesterday was so great.
"When I said I don't need love, I was joking because
I see what life's become without it, and I've had enough"
Two of the most powerful lines in the song. A life without love is chaos. Chaos is instability and we all want stability in our lives in some way shape or form. I have listened to other songs by Fire Tiger after hearing this song and stand firm in saying that this group has talent. My only worry about their sound is if the world will be accepting to it since it's giving us a peek as to why we fell in love with music in the first place. Will we be accepting of the unique '80s sound making a comeback? In my opinion we should be. I hope you all check out the single at Fire Tiger Energy on YouTube, like their page at the Fire Tiger Facebook page, and checking out the Fire Tiger Official Website. I will be doing another review on this group to further discuss their unique sound and incredible talent.


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