Music Review: John Cronin-Ride Out

John Cronin
Single: Ride Out
Ride Out is a wicked song. I like the beat, the lyrics, and the rhythm. It's like "Yes! He got it!" It's a good ol' country song that you can groove to in a bar, in your car, at home, or where ever you may roam. (I'm sorry I couldn't help myself. I started it and it just...moving on...)
I have to admit that I listened to this single a good 4-5 times before it grew on me and here's why. I'm going to start with the good news first. John has an exceptional voice. The deep tone he has reminds me of the great Trace Adkins especially when he sings "We hold on tight, we ride tonight." The chorus is very much Trace Adkins as well which means yes, John has great talent. Here is where I start to get iffy for a lack of a better word. In the opening verse where he says "All alone with nobody" and "life's a party," the hook which is the end of the line seems to cut right off instead of trail off. You want to round out your sound so it doesn't sound like it's a drastic cut off. Instead you want a rounded sound at the end of the hook so the lyrics blend together in one steady flow. Another portion of the song that I feel can use work in the vocals is toward the end where John sings "R-i-i-ide Out." On the bright side I like how you control the steady climb in the notes but I feel there is too much control in the sense that you sound stiff. Just relax and let the crescendo come naturally. Sometimes too much control can make the climb sound choppy and you want it to be more flowing and free. I would like you, John to listen to more Trace Adkins and Hank Williams Jr. Both artists are in your range and I feel you can benefit from studying how they work their vocals. They know when to hold steady control and when to relax. That being said, overall I love the song, I love John's voice and I truly believe that you just work on those two things, re-record it, it will be a hit. I want to hear more from you and I look forward to hearing your growth.


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