Artist Review: Lvon Yoder

First Friday, for those that don't know, is an amazing day to see great art by wonderful artists while enjoying light snacks and sometimes even music. I met the very talented Lvon Yoder at the Lancaster Dental Arts First Friday event. I love going to their event because in my opinion, it's the best around but that's for another blog. Lvon is a very talented artist from Delaware. He is friendly and very open about his work. As you can see he gave me permission to take pictures of his artwork. His art is exquisite.
I will be the first to admit that if I looked at this when I was in high school I would not get it but as an adult yes I think these are exquisite.
To those that don't appreciate art would see nothing but splatters on a canvas, thinking "my kid could do that," but the truth is, yes anyone can put splatters on a page or canvas but it takes a real artist to make you feel something. Why do you think only certain colors appeal to you? Yes you have warm and cool colors but this is also how these colors speak to you. Any great piece of art can light up a room. Think of the pictures you choose to hang in a specific area. Why did you choose that particular picture for that room? Was it for coordination? Was it to match the theme you envisioned for that room? The answer is most likely yes which means you are an art expert, you just don't know it yet. Why I love about Lvon's work is that it's fun, playful, and relaxing all at the same the time. He also provide my friend and I with a free piece of his work to bring home when we signed up for his mailing list.

We had the opportunity to choose the piece we would like and as you can see I choose one with the contrast of light and dark. To me this piece reminds me of myself. There is a lot of light in me that decorates the darkness. It shows me who I am. It makes me feel like it clearly understands my lightness within my darkness. 

I had the privilege of seeing Lvon again at the recent First Friday event where he brought more of his work and I was more than impressed. His work makes you feel alive and takes you on a journey you never thought possible. Although I wasn't able to purchase any of his beautiful works, I assure you that the moment I'm able to afford to buy the art pieces I see, I will purchase more than a couple from Lvon. He is such a personable artist. When I saw him it was like I was meeting with an old friend again. We talked about my favorite pieces and I also had the chance to see him speaking with other art fans as well. He truly cares about the people he encounters, interested in them. He really takes the time to know his admirers. I look forward to seeing more of Lvon's work. For more pictures of his work be sure to join my mailing list by sending your email to and you will also receive a free copy of my story "The Great White Mare." 


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