Music Review: Scott Krokoff "The Right Place"

Artist: Scott Krokoff
Single: The Right Place
There is nothing like a man, his guitar, and a great song. The Right Place focuses on a hopeful future. I love how the lyrics relate to someone who is ready to give up and accept their circumstances. They settle. They also call the person to action to change their circumstances if they're not happy. He sings, "Some days are so tough you think you lost the will
And when you’re feeling so empty it really kills
But don’t you dare give in, you better try
Or else from sun-up to sunset it’s all a lie." It's encouraging because the song is telling you that you're not stuck in the situation you're in. There is a point in your life that you need to put up or shut up to put it bluntly. Nothing is final. We have the power to change our situations.
The best and most inspiring lyrics in the song are the following:
"When you’re not happy but you always make excuses
Then it’s a definite that all you’ll really lose is
The right place, the right time"
These lyrics can be related to life in general. If we wallow in our misery we tend to miss the open window we've been waiting for. For instance I am determined to live my life being a writer and making a living doing it. Things are stable right now especially financially. I have 2 choices. The first is to give into my frustrations, have a meltdown and be depressed forever about how I'm never going to make it or there's my second choice which is to do what I love to do, write and work toward my goal everyday. I don't want to "get used to my complaining." I want to make sure I don't miss my "right place at the right time." After all as Scott sings, it's all we need.
Scott's meaningful lyrics and music remind me of my favorite country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and his song Some Gave All. Music speaks to many people and when artists release songs like this it reminds us what music is all about.
If you haven't heard it yet, go to YouTube and watch the lyric video for Scott Krokoff's The Right Place.


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