Mother's Day Special Blog

In light of Mother's Day I would like to discuss some things that makes a mother a good mother. A mother doesn't have be biological or a woman at all. Giving birth to a child does not make you a mother. What you do from that point on for the child does. I've learned so much from the mothers around me but also from the fathers around me.
Fathers sometime have to assume the role of mother when the woman is incapable or doesn't assume their role as mother of a child just as a woman does in the case of a father not assuming their roles. However in our society a mother is hailed in higher regards than a father when a father is just as important.
Being a parent whether mother or father is to put the needs of the children first. It is knowing how to put your selfish needs and wants aside for them.
A father can be a mother thus why I get passionate about some things. The importance of Mother's Day and Father's Day is to recognize those who truly give their children the best lives they can. It doesn't matter rich or poor if the parent can give children a stable environment and cares for them.
Today was a day to honor mothers of every circumstance, fathers who assume the mother role, adoptive mothers, foster mothers, and mothers in general. I don't always get along with my mother but then again who does? We are bound to have our disagreements but I will share with you what I've learned from her.
I have seen my mother survive prejudice, ignorance, dirty looks, discrimination, and the trials of raising 3 children on her own. She's taught me to be independent and because of the injustices I've witnessed her deal with, she instilled me with the passion to fight for what is right. My mother has taught me more than she could ever imagine. The stories I have from what I've witnessed along with my writing has given me the passion to write a book to right the wrongs done against people especially those like my mom who are judged by their ethnicity and/or the color of their skin.
On the flip side I have learned much from my father as well. He wasn't perfect and he didn't always do the right thing but I can tell you that my Dad did love me. How do I know? He told me everyday. He called myself and my sisters every morning before school, greeting us with "Time to rise and shine" asking us how we are. Every time I passed him he opened his arms for a hug and told us how much he loves us. My father made me feel special by waking me early in the morning, 5 or 6am, to go for a walk around the neighborhood. We would go to Wawa or Seven Eleven where he would get me a bagel with cream cheese and a hot chocolate then take the walk home. He would talk to me about different things. I don't remember what exactly just that I felt like daddy's special girl because that was our father/daughter time.
My grandmother believed in me no matter what dream I chased after. She taught me to put God first. She taught me to be myself. She taught me to be a good girl always.
Through these 3 individuals I have learned to be the sensitive, passionate person I am. God has instilled these different qualities from them within me. Through my experiences I have taken with me my own motherly instincts and morals which I tap into when I'm around children. They need to be loved and cherished not used as pawns against another parent or treated as puppets in life. It's important to remember that children are people. Don't insult them by using them for your own agenda. That is not a parent. "Donating" your sperm and giving birth does not mean you are a parent. It's the values you teach your children that is important. It's how you treat them that is important.
The final person whom I've learned much from is my love, Jeff. He is the best man I've known. He is nurturing, playful, and loving with his children and it also reflects in the children. I watch as they adore him, run to him, laugh with him, and fight for his attention. They are darling children and they make me laugh. I see so much potential in them.
So I honor all of you today and say keep faith in God. He knows our hearts. God bless you and your families. For those going through a tough time, know that God is here to help you. I wish you well.


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