Music Review: Jerad Finck "Criminal"

Jerad Finck
Single: Criminal
I am impressed with the music I am reviewing tonight. I love this song. I was already singing along to the chorus by the end of the video.
Let me break this down for you. This man is heartbroken. His wife (assuming wife considering one of the disks said wedding) left him. He trusted her and she just stole everything from him "like a criminal." The most powerful line in this song is "We could've had it all but you're a criminal."
I felt this way when I found out my ex cheated on me. I felt he took everything from me; my heart, my love, my money, my generosity. At first I did think if he would have just stopped being selfish we could've had it all but where I am in my life makes me see that I have it all now. It's amazing how songs like this truly touches you. Above all the video itself is powerful. He moves out and she returns to a single note saying "We almost had it." She tosses the note and it leaves you wondering, was she angry that he left that or was she having guilt for leaving? We all know at least one "Criminal" in our life and as bad as they hurt us, we must admit, we're better people for it. To check out this heart wrenching video of this beautiful song, visit


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