Movie Review: Like Father

Like Father
Starring Kelsey Grammer and Kristen Bell
A heartwarming story about second chances. The delightful Kristen Bell plays workaholic Rachel Hamilton who gets left at the altar on her wedding day and to make matters worse, an unexpected, uninvited guest appears in the crowd; her long lost father, Harry (played by the charming Kelsey Grammer).
After conducting business on her wedding day, Rachel's fiance, Owen, leaves her at the altar. In the same instance, her father decides to disappear as well. Faced with a honeymoon already booked, no husband, and the mysterious reappearance of her father, Rachel invites her dad on her honeymoon (both drunk of course). After realizing what happened, Rachel and Harry agree to cut the cruise short and grab a flight back to their respectable homes. However through their time on the cruise, they begin to form a real father daughter bond while making some friends along the way. Harry gets a second chance with his daughter and Rachel gets a chance to truly live her life. She realizes that life is not work and work is not life. There is more to life than making money.
In a sense, both also get another chance at love, just not the kind of love they or the audience is expecting. It's touching to see how these characters grown and watch their bond form. Harry is the dad I think we would love to have come rescue us and Rachel is the daughter we all want to save from herself. If you haven't seen this film yet go to Netflix and check it out. It's a feel good movie that gives you hope for whatever situation you find yourself in. Well done. This is going on my favorite movies list.  


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