Movie Review: The Kissing Booth

The Kissing Booth
Starring: Joey King, Molly Ringwald
Most films that follow the journey to two friends usually end up in them splitting ways, getting together, or just having happily ever after as friendship soulmates (non-romantic). This is not that film.
Joey King plays Elle, a young lady blossoming into herself. In other words, she's finding herself and in ways mostly has. Elle is strong, vibrant, and her own person. Her best friend Lee, well very much his own person as well. It's almost like they defined each other. They're the type of best friends who could easily get lost in each other or in Elle and Lee's case, their friend rules.
The biggest rule is rule #9 which pretty much forbids them from dating the other's siblings. Unfortunately Elle develops a major crush on Lee's brother Noah. The question becomes will she betray her friend's rule and follow her heart? Maybe but sometimes fate has a funny way making things happen.
For a school fundraiser, Lee and Elle come up with the concept of a kissing booth where Elle volunteers Noah to work the booth as repayment for interfering with her dating life. However it's through the kissing booth that Noah and Elle both realize their feelings for each other. The rest is a massive emotional rollercoaster where, for the first time, Elle keeps a secret from her best friend to protect him from her betrayal. It's a great coming of age story. It's a film that shows that being best friends is not without its arguments but becomes stronger from them. It's light hearted and fun for your tween and the family. (No that is not a typo, I did mean tween.) IF you are a netflix customer, check this movie out. Great chick flick and well, makes you feel like a teen again.


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