TV Review: Haters Back Off

Haters Back Off
Starring Colleen Ballinger, Francesca Reale, Angela Kinsey, and Steve Little
I watched an episode of The Gabbie Show where a girl named Colleen was there discussing Girl Fights. I moved on to more videos of Colleen with Gabbie because it is great entertainment so you could imagine my surprise when I surfed through Netflix and saw this familiar face as the poster girl for a new show. When I checked the credits, my suspicions were confirmed. It's that girl Colleen from Gabbie's video!
After finding that out I knew I just had to check this show out. In short this show is about a girl named Miranda who is seeking instant stardom by becoming a YouTube star. It doesn't quite happen as she thinks it will. It's like she's Lucy Ricardo but more so on steroids or something because she is convinced she's a star and acts like it. She has the "celebrity" down pat but her delusional way of thinking is encouraged by her famous crazed uncle. Her "normal" sister Emily is brushed to the side but it turns out she is the talented one with her paintings. Miranda's mother is an under confident, daughter obeying mother. That's right, I said daughter obeying. She allows Miranda to belittle her while she believes she is handicap in some way, shape or form. Meanwhile Miranda has an admirer in Patrick, the little school boy who has an ice cream bike.
I haven't finished the season but it is very entertaining. There are times when Miranda is annoying but in a comical way. I love the crazy antics they go through. It's like "I Love Lucy" but with a supportive uncle supporting someone with no talent. Normally I'd say wear your ear plugs but then you'll miss the best parts! Check out this great show! If you're a fan of Shameless, I Love Lucy, & Napoleon Dynamite then you will enjoy this show! It's the best of the best rolled into one! I look forward to more!


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