TV Review: Fuller House Season 2

Fuller House Season 2
Release date: Dec. 9, 2016
After over 200 views of the first season, the second season of Fuller House has arrived! Season 2 picks up just about where the last season left up except we learn that DJ has finally made a decision about Matt and Steve. It seems that everyone was away for the summer except DJ, Max, and Cosmo.
New changes come to the Fuller-Tanner-Gibbler household including Fernando moving in with his Kimberlina (They are so cute! I never thought I'd say that about a Gibbler!), Tommy learns how to walk, Stephanie falls for a Gibbler (Oh mylanta!), and DJ finds herself truly with herself when Matt and Steve announce they have girlfriends. With the addition of Jimmy Gibbler (Kimmy's younger brother), season 2 is filled with more laughs, love, and plenty of family time. My only complaint about season 2 is my same one I had from season 1, where is Danny's wife, Teri? I really feel this is a gaping hole in the story because every time we see Danny this season, he's alone. There's barely any mention of her until the Thanksgiving episode. If Teri was going to be non-existent, I don't understand why she was written in the show at all. It also seems that no one seems to care as she is the forgettable Mrs. Tanner. For season 3, I would really like to see Eve La Rue reprise her 5 second role of Teri Tanner. Is it annoying me that much? Yes because Danny is still seen as single, showing up by himself all the time. This makes me think that Teri has little to no relationship with the girls which I feel is not true since Danny was always particular about finding the girls a new mom.
That being said, season 2 has truly demonstrated how different this series is from it's mother ship of Full House. The writers are brilliant and the cast truly legendary. The New Kids on the Block episode was absolutely superb though I did miss Donnie. It was fun "seeing" him on Facetime singing to DJ. The jokes are clever, fun and light. It's great to see our loving TV family again and alas I've finished the season thus beginning my obsessive viewing of seasons 1-2 until season 3 comes out. I hope we get more than 13 episodes sometime. It's not enough! I must have my fill of Fuller House! Yes, I am a Fuller House addict. So if you haven't watched it yet, what are you waiting for? Kick back, relax and dive on in! The Fullers, Tanners, and Gibblers are waiting for you!


  1. I liked the second season too! My main problems were - I thought it was ridiculous that Danny's wife was MIA too (especially at all holiday functions). I also thought it slightly unbelievable that all these Kimmy had a brother (though I do enjoy the relationship between Jimmy and Steph); I also find it sketchy that all of a sudden, Joey has a wife and three kids, after not even a mention in season one. I also really hope that DJ and Steve get together after all (somehow). Erin (your chica)

  2. Thank you for your comment chica! I miss you! I really feel that Teri needs to make an appearance. I pray they show her more. I really want to see her interact with her stepdaughters and the grandkids. We have no background on Teri. How did they meet? How do the girls feel about her? That needs more explanation. I feel the same thing about Joey.


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