Stacy Dash Getting Bashed

Stacy Dash, mostly well known to me for playing Dionne in "Clueless," has gotten torn apart for her comments about the Oscar boycott. I, apparently, interpreted it differently than most. I didn't take it as she was bashing BET or black history month. I took as she was saying that if we want to be integrated instead of segregated then we need to get rid of BET and the Image awards. Her argument goes hand in hand with Whoopi's point on the view. Yes there is a reason why channels like BET are in place because the majority of major networks have all white cast television programs which Whoopi is not wrong. However neither is Stacy. If we truly want to be an integrated society and erase the color lines once and for all we need to be more accepting of each other and our differences. We need to include more diverse shows into our major networks, teach history as a whole, all history. It's 2016. Why is this still an issue? As I've said, I interpreted Stacy's argument differently and it also fits to what Whoopi said. Stacy didn't say that these things like BET need to be done away with, she said if we truly want to be integrated then that's what needs to happen. She just didn't bring the argument full circle. She presented a part solution to the problem. Whoopi rounded it out nicely. I've seen racism and prejudice first hand as a child because of skin color. No one should have to face that. That's one of the things I've ranted about for so long is that we need to work on our country from the inside out but I'm not a celebrity so no one will listen and my rants go on in silence but I am going to keep talking until I am heard and even then...


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