Presidential Candidates What a Joke!

I think it's time someone needs to take this seriously. I mean all I've been hearing about are Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Bernie Sanders. Are these the best we can do? Absolutely not. It's a joke is what it is. Bernie Sanders is the best one of all of them. As for the Donald Trump spectacle, because that's what it is, it's a spectacle. First of all having the ability to speak doesn't qualify you to be the leader of this country. Oh did you people not get the memo? You're leading a country not a bunch of high school kids to their prom. This is not a popularity contest or rather it shouldn't be. I don't see one of these sorry good for nothing but whining candidates caring about this country. They care about themselves and having that power. Well here we go you schmucks.
First the racial/sexist card: "Obama is a great president." You ready? Just because he man is black doesn't make him a good President. The white man already proved that. So equally just because the man is white don't mean he's a top notch President. The same can be said for the gender of the individual. We are not ready for a woman President, why? Oh the answer is simple, look who is at the mic. You have one who sold out and is getting into the type of politics I HATE and the other is talking about abortion procedures in front of young children. That's WHY.
Next none of you know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck and if you used to, you've forgotten. No amount of money can determine if you'd be a good President. Writing a book doesn't make you a good President. If any of you had any idea of what made a great leader, you'd start to grow up and stop acting worse than children.
You need to know the people. You need to know your country and you history. I can tell y'all don't know your history you know why? Had you studied government you would know that the President doesn't hold the power. The position is merely a puppet for Congress as it is Congress who holds the power. Why do you think they have a procedure to override a President's veto? It's like saying "f*ck you we're doing what we want." Even our representatives are a group of jesters. They are out for their own agenda. If they would listen to the people who vote for them then they would know what America wants. Why do you think there's so much crime besides the fact that people are plain selfish and psychotic? There is more poverty than you people report. It is unbelievable. For those of us that work hard, you strip more money away from us. When we try to seek financial assistance we're then told we make too much.
Oh and Mr. Trump as well as your sorry excuse for an endorser, Sarah Palin, know your audience. That is the first thing we learn in speech class. You were a disgrace at Liberty University. You don't know one thing about God or the Bible because if you did, you'd know it's second Corinthians not 2 Corinthians. You were a blubbering fool. No one wants to hear about your book "The Art of the Deal" especially at a Christian College. Are you a good business man? Sure you are or else you wouldn't be where you are but again that doesn't make you a good leader when you don't know how to be humble, civil, or how to keep your trap shut. Bernie Sanders is the only reasonable candidate among you that I'm even considering voting for. You want to be a top notch candidate stop attacking each other and thinking of yourselves. Start thinking about the country we live in and get to know your voters and not just the celebrities.


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