Boycott the Oscars? A Bit of an Overreaction

Why does it always have to be a racial issue? I have always been one who doesn't consider the color of one's skin and with the current holiday being Martin Luther King Day, can we please erase that racial line? I'm not saying racism doesn't exist but it happens for all people not just blacks. Concerning the Oscars, I don't agree half the time with who they nominate but I'm not about to boycott because I don't agree with them. Johnny Depp was completely snubbed and his Oscar is long overdue but it doesn't mean I'm going to boycott. I also agree that Michael B. Jordan was robbed of a nomination in "Creed" but I'm not about to boycott the Oscars. I think it's more important to make the argument that these people's talent were overlooked than the color of their skin. Could we not play devil's advocate and say that these people in turn are being racist by raising the color line and not simply celebrating the talents of those whom the Academy recognized? Dangerous ground? Yes but honestly, put the shoe on the other foot, would these people boycott the awards if the panel of nominees were all those of color as they term it? The answer is no, they would be celebrating that so many people of color were praised for their work.
What does this mean anyway? People of color? We are all of color. The color of our skin does not tell you our story, our talent, our person. Dr. King, may he still rest in peace, fought for equality. Say it with me now, EQUALITY. He wanted the racial line to be erased and it has yet to be erased. I never ever understood the idea of color and not color. I just never saw people as black and white and the fact that now every issue is a color issue is ridiculous. I actually love the people that have spoke out about this, I do but I think their focus is off. Can we please, PLEASE erase the racial line? Please? Do I agree with all the nominees? Absolutely not. Michael B. Jordan should have a nomination. Johnny Depp nomination. Will Smith, awesome actor love him but I haven't seen the film so I can't comment on that just yet. I will have my own picks for Oscar nominees because there are talents overlooked. However I will also post which talents I believe should win the statue.
Keep in mind we are a world of color there is no one better than the other. Color doesn't make the person. Remember that.


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