Amber Heard: What You Did to True Domestic Violence Victims

 It's agreed that what Amber Heard has done to Johnny Depp is absolutely despicable and disgusting. She has fueled anger in so many. For someone who wrote that they are "a public figure representing domestic abuse," and "felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak out," she has done more damage than anyone can imagine. Domestic violence victims have difficulty speaking out because 1) they fear for their life, 2) believe that no one will believe them, 3) will continue to be victimized by their abuser, and 4) their perpetrator will receive little to no punishment for their crime. 

Our society has made the assumption that women are always the victim and men are always the abuser but that is not so. Due to Amber's heinous and false accusations against Johnny, she has made it that more difficult for domestic violence victims to not only come forward and be believed but she has done what many abusers have done; further induce fear into victims thus boxing them into their life threatening environment which can lead to death. Victims fear leaving their partners because their partners could kill them if they located them. Abuse doesn't stop. Furthermore, it amazes me that Amber made herself seem so strong that she just kept pressing on despite the alleged "beatings," because you see, Amber, as reported in the statistics provided by NCADV, "victims of intimate partner violence lose 8 million paid work days a year." Meanwhile 19% of IPV involves weapons and deary, that knife you bought Johnny for his birthday; you know, the one that you were "not worried he was going to stab me at the time I got it for him," yeah, that knife, well you just handed your alleged abuser a weapon. 

The most immediate weapon for an abuser is their hands while the next is any object they can get their hands on. Physical abuse is a form of control through fear because if you fear the consequences then you'll do as your abuser says. Amber has struggled to keep her control of Johnny as he reacted to her abuse in the only way he knew how which was to walk away. You were right when you testified that he was "admirable" to walk away. That statement alone demonstrates or rather reveals who the real abuser is. You see, if he wanted to hit you back, he could have but he didn't. In the video you took of him slamming cabinets, further evidence he's never touched you because the monster you described would have taken advantage of ANY opportunity to take a whack at you but he didn't. You weren't fearing for your  life as you recorded him. You found amusement; yet another form of control. 

You, Amber Heard, did what victims fear their abusers will do if they leave; continue to victimize them but what's worse is you made your victim out to be the abuser thus victimizing him repeatedly to be named what you actually are: a partner beater. You victimized him in the UK lawsuit and did it again in this lawsuit. It's been said you have abandonment issues well, let's just call it like it is, shall we? While you may have abandonment issues, you are an abuser. You do it for control, to scare your partners into not leaving you but it doesn't work.

 Here's how I see it: Johnny decided to leave you; to take no more of your abuse and seeing as nothing you could do or say would stop him, you decided to take matters into your own hands. Before Johnny could file for divorce, YOU filed for divorce so you could say you left him because nobody leaves Amber Heard, right? Furthermore, you needed to make him pay so you decided to make yourself a victim of domestic abuse. You used your bruise kit to give yourself magical scars which could be erased the next day. You wanted to make sure he lost everything; his career, money, anything that you know could wound him. You can't use him as a punching bag, so you'll punch him in a different way through lies. You also piggy-backed on the back of the Me Too movement and unfortunately your plan worked to a point. Johnny's career has dwindled and you managed to paint him as a drunk, druggie, abuser however there's holes in that as well because you ENABLED him during that time. You, your sister, and others who took part in doing drugs and drinking with him. All of you who were just "so worried about him," did the drugs and alcohol with him. You know, the substances that made him a "monster." You took no care as to his children; how this has affected them or anyone because you just knew that Johnny had to pay. As you said in the last bit of your testimony, "I know how many people would come out and say whatever for him. That's his power. That's why I wrote the op-ed." Yet another punch you could give to Johnny from afar. Did I observe that right?

In the beginning of this trial you said that the op-ed was not about Johnny; it's about what you experienced after but you finally told the truth that last day of testimony. You made more victims afraid of leaving their abuser, of speaking up, of taking action to protect themselves. 

JOHNNY DEPP shows victims they can stand up, and no matter how difficult the fight, they can do it because no matter what, Johnny SURVIVED you. No one has mocked the truth. YOU mocked others' truth. Don't get confused with THE truth because YOUR "truth" has no truth in it. 

Those who are victims of domestic violence, YOU are NOT alone. YOU DO have a VOICE. Don't allow this PUBLIC ABUSER to silence you. Granted, yes, we have to be weary of false accusations as Amber Heard has done, but YOU ARE NOT ALONE and I encourage you to share your stories. 

The truth has come out and I pray with all my might for the verdict to be in Johnny's favor because for someone who doesn't care about the money yet testified she only "got a fraction of what I'm entitled," and suing for $100 million including coverage of legal fees let alone not DONATING what you PLEDGED, you've gotten enough of Johnny. It's time to pay the piper. Your career is over because of you, not Johnny. Start taking steps to a better you; own up to what you've done, in the meantime, start looking for another career. 

For further resources (you may have to copy and paste in your browser):

NCADV Statistics:

Amber Heard's testimony admitting the op-ed was about Johnny:

TMZ referring to Amber as the leak of the video of Johnny with the cabinets:


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