A Heartfelt Message to Johnny Depp and My View of the Defamation Trial


I'm sorry for the pain you have endured from the lies of Amber's mouth. I'm sorry you had to break what privacy you maintained to have your voice heard. I'm sorry for the ugliness this creature is painting about you those who are despicable enough to align themselves with her. I'm sorry your children were dragged into this in a failed effort to make you look like a bad father. I don't know you personally but from what those closest to you have said about you and watching you in court, you are one of the few decent people who have remained humble and yourself in the mist of your success. God has you and He is seeing you through this. You are heard, Johnny and we are all routing for you always. 

I always found Johnny to be a brilliant actor and fascinating individual (from afar, of course as I don't know him personally). I already feel that he was cheated out of an Oscar as he is able to morph into any character he was tasked to play. I mean, Cry-Baby Walker is far from Willy Wonka, Edward Scissorhands, Jack Sparrow and even the Mad Hatter. With this being said, I am not here to discuss Johnny the actor. I'm here to discuss Johnny Depp, the man who suffered both physical and emotional abuse from one creature who goes by the name of Amber Heard.

The past few weeks watching and listening to this trial has been an education to say the least. I thought I've seen my fair share of circus in courts but this certainly opens a whole new world to circus. A narcissist who does as narcissists do and play the role of an angel while placing blame on their victim or victims. One of the worst things you could ever do is play the role of a domestic violence victim because you have made the path of what was already difficult, a more difficult task for true victims to be heard. Domestic violence perpetrators do not choose a gender or identity. They are who they are. They do not take a specific shape and do I dare say, can be awfully deceiving. Just because a person appears weak and helpless, doesn't mean they are. Evil can take many shapes, forms, gender, and color. It is us, as a society, that narrowed the field and that women are always the victim and men are always the abuser thus making it difficult for male victims to be heard because men can be victims too. 

Women are not always innocent. In fact, this is a perfect example of how women use their sexuality to manipulate. Why was Amber Heard, heard and believed while Johnny Depp took the downfall? In our society the answer is simple, what woman would lie about being abused? However we, as a society, made Johnny guilty before hearing his voice. Those of us that follow Johnny as fans and those that know him personally and quite well, that Johnny tries to keep his private life, private. Obviously there are things that you may not be able to keep private being in the public eye but it is doable. Look at David Bowie and Iman, their private life remained private. Johnny went from having some privacy to having none. I'm going to touch upon a few things from this trial to express my view on this trial and why #IStandwithJohnnyDepp .

From day 1, Amber's attorneys have demonstrated that they have no case. Elaine Bredehoft led her portion of the opening statement with such dramatic enthusiasm that it was like story time for the jurors. Of all the opening statements I have heard in various cases, it's supposed to be a summary of what their argument is and what the jury should expect to see throughout the trial. However, Elaine did such a great job, I feel Amber's testimony was completely wasted because it was merely a repetition of what Elaine had said in her lengthy opening statement. (If you don't believe me, find Day 1 and listen to Elaine's portion of the statement then listen to Amber's ear bleeding testimony. It's just about word for word.) Mr. Rottenborn, Amber's other useless lawyer, claims that Johnny is going to make a show of this serious matter but as we see, it is THEM who make it quite the over the top Telenovela with bad acting (Amber). 

The things that are allowed in this trial has seriously baffled me. A major topic is the over usage of arnica cream though Elaine pronounces it "am-ica" cream. Anyway, let's explore this fun little lesson. Now Amber and Elaine, do pay attention because "I do not think it means what you think it means," (Diego Montoya, Princess Bride, thank you.)

My darling Elaine, the correct pronunciation is ARNICA cream, bless your heart. So do YOU know what arnica cream is? I'm going to assume not, since you couldn't explain it to Isaac Baruch yet you kept asking him if he knew Amber applied it. So let me help you baby girl. The most common use of arnica cream is for osteoarthritis. It's purpose is to reduce swelling and pain; it's meant to act like an antibiotic. For those suffering from osteoarthritis, they use arnica GEL to primarily gain functionality of their infected areas however the gel must be applied to the infected area twice a day for 3 weeks which doesn't sound like the relief is immediate (though this is just me scratching the surface as I gained this information from WebMD (https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-721/arnica). Here's a little tidbit, if the witness doesn't know what ARNICA cream is, chances are you should stop asking about it. Stick to what you know. 

A huge common pattern I've noticed as well is the constant referral to Johnny allegedly being a "drunken druggie abuser." Here is the problem; for the amount of people who have testified as a witness for the defense, if you were that worried about his substance abuse then I guess you shouldn't have partaken in those activities with him. You see, Ambular is an Enabler because she, too, drank and did drugs. Her sister Whitney, an enabler because she partook in those activities. Anyone who has joined Johnny in drinking, cocaine, and doing drugs PERIOD are ENABLERS so don't sit on that stand claiming that Johnny had the problem when you ENABLED him to continue. I, for one, would not drink wine with him, do drugs with him, then say, "I was so worried! He had a problem." Yes, and you FED him. Good job. The other thing is, Johnny admitted to having a problem with opioids, if I recall correctly. So Amber, while you LOVE to tell us about the many editions of Johnny if you will (ex. opioid Johnny is different from cocaine Johnny from drinking Johnny), take responsibility for YOUR part. 

Has anyone taken notice to the amount of abuse Amber testified to, yet she didn't seek medical attention, lacked photographic evidence of REAL bruising, AND that her bruises were not that serious (Amber talked down her bruises during her cross examination from the fabulous Camille)? Not to mention the knife she got Johnny. Did you see that baby? It is huge and not something you would get your abuser. "I wasn't worried he was going to stab me with it when I got it for him, that's for certain," were your words Amber. Here's the thing, I'm sure if you talked to ANY domestic violence victim, they would tell you they feared everyday when they were with their abuser and surely would not get them weapons to escalate their chances of non-survival. 

I'm not going to go through everything because let's face it, we know we're watching and we know what happened. The stories do not correlate and Johnny did not admit to no fault but what Amber and her team are doing to him is disgusting. My heart broke into a thousand pieces when I saw the look on Johnny's face when Whitney testified against him. She was lying just like her sister and honestly, look at the example you are setting for your children.

Warner Brothers, you need to let Amber go from the Aquaman 2 film altogether. Emilia Clarke would be a great replacement. Amber should not have a career anymore after this. She should be done. In the meantime, Johnny should have his career set back on track. He did not deserve any of this. He knows he did things wrong in the relationship but what she accused him of...she should be sent to jail. She committed perjury, knowingly, as did her friends, sisters, and others. 

There is so much more but like I said, everyone is talking about it and this is my 2 cents. Justice for Johnny all the way and again, I am so sorry for what this has done to you and your loved ones, including your children. God bless you and you can bounce back from this. Look at everyone (including your fans) who love, care, and have faith in you. It's definitely easier said than done, but you got this. No matter what happens, you finally had the opportunity to be heard.

*Note: the image used in this blog I obtained through google*


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