Holly's Tarot Cards

Tarot card reading is one of the most common and popular forms of fortune reading in society today. Some people are dependent on such readings, causing them to  map out their life according to those readings.
When people think of fortune telling they think of a woman with a crystal ball and maybe some tarot cards but the truth is, this is far from fortune telling. What Holly does is much more than fortune telling. It's insightful and 100% honest.
I first met Holly or rather "met" Holly after we added each other on Facebook. If I remember correctly, we started talking after the first reading she had done for me. At the time we bonded, we were both going through changes in our personal life and I can tell you she is awesome to talk to.  What captivated me about her readings is how precise she is. If she's not clear on what the cards are telling her about my unique situation, she is sure to give you all meanings for you to decipher. Normally when I ask Holly for a reading it's because I need confirmation for a path I'm about to choose and I need guidance. Don't get me wrong, as a Christian, I do pray first and sometimes even the prayer leads me to a reading. I ask you to understand that the tarot card reading is not evil as others my preach. Holly, herself, emphasizes that we are in charge of our own destiny. She urges us not to rely on the cards to live our lives and she's correct. She even allows time for after the reading for you to ask for clarity of some of the things she said during the reading and/or to talk about a situation you're going through. She will listen and give you advice. This creates an atmosphere of comfort.
These readings are for entertainment but sometimes they give amazing insight. There are 2 particular readings I had with Holly which meant the world to me. The first was with my Dad. It was a spiritual reading where she contacts a loved one who is on the other side. Keep in mind this takes a large amount of energy and concentration, primarily on Holly's part but also on our own. Anyway, back to my Dad. My Dad died in 1996 when I was just 14 years old. I didn't have the best relationship with him. In fact, it was a very strained and stressed relationship. I had a fight with him the last time I saw him and carried that burden with me for a long time. I wondered if he forgave me and what he thought of my life. I asked Holly for a reading to speak with him. We succeeded. She asked me questions she couldn't have known about him which is how we verified it was him. For the first time I found closure with his death. Through Holly I found that he forgave me and wasn't mad at me. He is at peace. He said he is always with me and is proud of the person I've become. I cried during the whole reading. I made things right with him and now I felt complete.
The second was with my grandmother. I was very close to my Mommom and miss her so much. She acknowledged that she knows I've been having a hard time dealing with her death and confirms that she communicates with us through butterflies. I saw a butterfly that literally landed on my windshield. It was a very windy day and it did not budge. I knew it was Mommom saying hi from Heaven. This reading confirmed that. 
I can say with confidence that through the readings I've had with Holly, I've had many things confirmed. Rest assured I'm speaking of my gut feelings which I went to Holly to confirm a path I thought of taking. Her readings come with caution and counsel which I doubt you will find elsewhere. Don't confuse what I say. I'm not saying they're all hoaxes but you must be careful who you go to for such a reading. Holly is one of the authentic and best people with this gift. 
Her charges are based on a love offering system. This means that the client determines how much they will pay for a reading. Unfortunately some may take advantage of this and choose $0. Let me assure you that $0 is not a valid offering. What people disregard is that using her gift takes an immense amount of her time and energy. The one thing I have always done is to give Holly the amount I felt was deserved for the reading I was given. Yes it is for entertainment value but I also feel that her gift is very special. I don't use the readings to live my life but only to confirm or guide me in something I'm unsure of. I simply take it as advice not something that maps my life out for me. It's fun, interesting, and engaging. I only caution you that if you're not prepared for her gift, open minded, or to offer her something for your time then don't ask for a reading. Otherwise I feel you can benefit from one and she is exceptional at her gift. To contact Holly for a reading, do so through her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005642445153&fref=ts

Have a great and fun reading with Holly's Tarot Cards!


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