We Want America Back!

Are you an American citizen? Are you living from paycheck to paycheck, watching your dreams move out of your reach? Are you tired of how we are treated? Do you vote? Now I know this may come as a shock but YOU have power, YOU have a say, YOU just don't realize it. America is the land of opportunity or rather it used to be. What we face now is a land of restricted opportunity. Case in point, most jobs require experience in that field. A college degree counts for nothing yet on the flip side employers still require those educational credentials however they also demand the experience. Retail has even become difficult to enter because of lack of experience. However even with a job, you barely make enough to comfortably live. For instance, I work for a University and just the mention of the word university one would assume I make the big bucks but I don't. With the rising costs of living (apartment, bills, groceries, etc.), my pay becomes mediocre. Granted I am grateful for what I make because it allows me to do things I couldn't do on minimum wage but as I said, with rising costs, I am still forced to hold a second job while attending school. It's as if I have 3 jobs. Most Americans are experiencing this hardship of making ends meet.
I vote because I believe that the person running who says they will fight for me and represent me will do just that to the best of my ability however the reality is more horrible than we realize. When a complaint is sent to a representative it falls on deaf ears. We are given automatic answers and "if it comes up I'll keep your thoughts in mind" which is another way for them to say to the voter, "fuck you." How do I know that? Because nothing ever happens.
With the upcoming Presidential election, we feel it is more critical than ever to choose someone who will make a change but will they really make a change? Why are we restricted to two parties? Democrat or Republican, we tend to get screwed either way. Each time an election comes up we are encouraged to research the candidates. Why? Numbers are numbers that mean shit. Each one that has held an office has proven that. While they spent years debating the validity of gay marriage, there could have been policies put into place to help REAL struggling families get on their feet. Policies that would appropriately give our veterans a proper showmanship of appreciation for their service. Policies that would get people off the street and working, learning to stand on their own two feet. Policies that truly allow for children to expand their minds in school through the arts and have a proper education; an education where their understanding and comprehension of the material is more important than ridding them into the next grade. We are the land of non-bias society then why did people have to fight for their rights such as homosexuals being granted the right to marry. That is not separation of church and state as once thought by forefathers. What happened to our values? Our morals? We were once the model nation now we are the laughing nation and it's time we raise America to the glory she deserves and is capable of.
Instead of the candidates debating and attacking each other, they need to be reminded that they answer to US. WE vote them into the seats they so lovingly live their dreams through. WE put them there. OUR hand puts them there which means THEY work for US; THE PEOPLE OF THE FREE UNITED STATES of AMERICA. During this Presidential election, THEY answer to US, THEIR APPOINTERS. I take this seriously, this election and their roles because that is OUR DUTY AND RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN to QUESTION our leaders when they FAIL to do their job properly. These candidates better remember who they're bullshitting and start to really WORK for the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Not the American rich people but the AMERICAN PEOPLE. I AM AN AMERICAN CITIZEN AND I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK. THIS IS OUR AMERICA. NOT THEIR AMERICA. OUR AMERICA. Let's start acting like it.


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