Television Review: Bridgerton Season 2 *Spoilers*

 Bridgerton Season 2

Season 2 has finally arrived and though it did not make haste, it was well worth it. I am not familiar with the books but season 1 captivated me as it did many. Season 1 was passionately charged with steamy moments between the Duke and Duchess however Season 2, we have a different type of passion. When we left Anthony in the first season, he was deeply scarred by the rejection of Sienna. He was confused between his duty as Viscount and what his heart wanted. Season 2 the Viscount is on the search for a bride to fulfill his duty. Daphne was correct in proclaiming to her husband that her brother didn't get it but as we see, Anthony does much maturing in this season.

I've heard that fans are disappointed with this season but I am one fan who is rather satisfied. Bridgerton is a story about the family and how they overcome their obstacles, not the steamy sex scenes or hot Duke that drew the audience in. That being said, the Duke was hardly missed with the focus purely on Anthony and Eloise. You see, it did not only focus on Anthony but I feel Eloise's role has increased as did Benedict's. That being said, the stars of this second season are Anthony and Eloise. I feel that although we saw more of Benedict, Eloise still had a bit more revealed about her. 

I believe Eloise surprised herself when she falls for Theo. It's not a natural feeling for her but there is definite challenges as well; the biggest being, Theo is below her station. It's sad that once she opens up, Lady Whistledown knocks her down. The worst revelation (in an emotional matter) was when Eloise discovered that her best friend, Penelope is in fact Lady Whistledown. Eloise suffers two major punches in this season; one is when she is exposed for her relations with Mr. Theo Sharp and the second that it was her best friend that exposed her secret claiming to protect her. 

Tying into this revelation, the subject of Penelope. Again, I am not sure how this plays out in the books but I feel Penelope has become quite the villian and less of a victim. The first season, we felt sympathy for Penelope; the unseen, quiet love of Colin Bridgerton who saw her no more than a friend, watching her cousin try to prey upon Colin to save her situation but alas, it was Penelope that brought about the many misfortunes upon her own family. She outed Marina and her delicate situation though at first seemed honorable, seems to be more of a selfish act. Whistledown no longer seems like a strong figure but one who is tired of being in the shadows yet continues to hide in the shadows while passing judgment on everyone. 

Granted, she is making a living but we see a different side of Pen. It would have been right for Pen to reveal herself to the Queen than reveal her friend's secret she entrusted her with. She has crossed the line and seems to be more strong and manipulative than she seems. I feel this has also brought a damper upon Lady Whistledown as well. Maybe she will redeem herself in future seasons but Pen's reputation has certainly been soured in season 2. 

Benedict has certainly stepped up in giving in to his true passion as an artist. It is certainly not easy to be second especially in a well-respected, prestigious family. I find myself proud of Benedict for forging his own path and thus I feel this is where he may indeed, find the love he is meant for. I look forward to seeing more of his story. 

Now for the man of the hour, Mr. Anthony Bridgerton. I must admit, I felt some sympathy for him at the end of season 1. He tried and failed for love thus swearing it off and making it all business. The revelation of his troubles this season has certainly make cause for more than sympathy for the eldest Bridgerton. It breaks my heart each time I watch the pivotal point in his life; the death of his father, Edmund. To witness such an enriching father-son outing end in tragedy; we can only imagine what Anthony was feeling in that moment. His father, strong and loving, brought down by a bee which we know is due to an allergic reaction to the sting. A pregnant Violet Bridgerton, rushing to her husband's side as he dies in her arms; the immediate responsibility placed on young Anthony's shoulders as he inherits the title of Viscount. What brings this tragedy to light even more was how Anthony panicked when Kate got stung. She did not yet understand why he reacted as he did but I must say that Kate became the stand offish, controlling sibling Anthony was in season 1; duty over all else. Kate suffers from the same confusion between duty and family as she merges them into one but as we see, you must humanize yourself to do your duty properly. 

The "if they, won't they" predicament drags a little long but once the bomb explodes, there's no going back. What I love about this season is the emotional charge, the gripping of everyone's hearts, and the vulnerability of the characters. Daphne's story in season 1, I feel was more entertainment while this is purely story. I do love both seasons but the differences are unlike any other. I am anxious to see what season 3 brings. What other aspects of the Bridgerton family will we learn? How will Penelope redeem herself? Will Eloise every forgive Pen and have the friendship they once had? 

Bravo Shonda Rimes and Netflix, bravo to the actors who bring these characters to life, and all those who work on this wonderful show. I hope we don't have to wait as long for season 3. I want to see what's coming next!


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