Television Review: 13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why
Starring Katherine Langford, Dylan Minnette, Kate Walsh, Steven Weber, and many more
Hannah Baker takes her own life but before she does, she reveals what lead her to that point of self demise  as well as telling the secrets of her classmates/friends who affected her decision.

My Thoughts:
This is without a doubt the most realistic show I've seen that depicts what an individual goes through before they hit that point of wanting to take their own life.
I've seen many people who ignorantly talk about how suicide is a selfish act; why would anyone do that; they are quitters on life; there is so much to look forward to; it's a disorder. Here is the truth, and yes I've taken into account that people will disagree with me. Depression is not a disorder or chemical imbalance. There are things that contribute to that depression to bring it to the point of depression. For some it's their financial situation, others have experienced something traumatic that has affected them so much that they are in a state of self blame they don't know how to get out of, and for our veterans, well they've experienced things so horrific that haunts them. In my case, I was bullied when I was younger. I was teased because I've been overweight as a child. A kid in elementary school called me King Kong. In junior high, there was a boy who called me Gemma Fat, a lot. Every time he saw me, that's what he called me. Also in elementary school, I was discriminated against by my 4th grade teacher because she found out my mother is not white. Before she met my mother I was her favorite student. After she met my mother, she treated me lower than dirt. She hit me with a door and when she saw it was me pretended she didn't see me. With all of this, I felt worthless. I thought why don't boys like me? Why don't the boys I like give me a chance? Am I so big? Am I so horrible? Furthermore, things were not the greatest at home. After my father died, I felt myself separate from my mother and sisters because I looked like my Dad. My father did not treat my mother very well and I felt I was a constant reminder of that pain because of how I look like him. I did the opposite of what my mother taught me which was not to pay attention to what others think of me. I allowed that pain to get to me. I fought with my mom and sisters a lot.
One day, I had a bad fight with my mom and sisters. I couldn't take it anymore. My Dad was gone and I treated him badly, I got rejected by a boy in a big way, and I didn't feel I measured up to my sisters. I was the fat one. It didn't matter how smart I was, I just couldn't measure up. I went into the kitchen when everyone was in their respectable room, grabbed a kitchen knife and brought it to my wrist. The blessed thing is that when I did that, I did what many did not do. I stopped. I stared intently at the knife I held to my wrist, ready to cut but then God spoke to me. He helped me think. I thought of my younger sister and how I could think of leaving her after she just lost her dad a few years before. I then thought of my Mommom. Who would tend to her like I did? How could I inflict pain on the one I'm closest to? Daddy. Daddy would be so sad if I killed myself. He doesn't want that for me. Hell. I wouldn't go to Heaven if I did this, at least that's what I thought. I wanted to be with God when it's my time and I can't if I do this. Now here is the miraculous part. Here is what I heard God telling me, "I have much more for your life than you realize. How will you see all the blessings I have for you if you end it now? There is much for your to learn and see. It's not your time. Put the knife down and see all I have in store for you." It was that, that changed my life. I put the knife down and sobbed in my room. I chose to live for my God, for me. I decided to give myself a chance because God gave me a chance when He chose me to be born and I rose from those ashes; not without setback but I rose from it.
In this show, Hannah did not rise above it. When you listen to her reasons, it's the same as others. We don't want to hurt anymore. We think the world is better without us. It's all lies Satan tells us so we would not only give up on ourselves, but we give up on God and His Plan for us. Think about the words you say to people. Think about it. Do you work to raise people or bring them down? Lying about people, deceiving them, raising them up to knock them down to serve your own purpose contributes to this. It's not the Christian way. It's not God's Way. I do my best to be honest, truthful, and fight against the deceitful. Look at the lies told throughout this show that Hannah allowed to bring her down. It's important to get help when you're feeling this way. No matter your belief, religion, gender, sexual orientation, we all matter and I love each of you even my enemies. For my enemies I pray you see your deceitful ways and change but if you don't, you have chosen your path. If you know anyone who is feeling down, pray for them, talk to them, lift them up.
For help, reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling 1-800-273-8255. I pray you seek help for yourself or for someone that needs it. God bless you and know YOU ARE WORTH IT.
Thank you to Jay Asher for writing a book about such an important issue and to Selena Gomez for helping bring this to life on the small screen. It's such an important topic and we can save lives.


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