Television Review: Supergirl

Man of Steel is without a doubt the best Superman story ever told. Supergirl is the perfect spinoff from the epic film. Who knew that "Marley" had a hero hiding within her? Melissa Benoist has come a long way from the Glee club. She is perfectly suited for this role.
The story of Supergirl begins where the film left off, well sort of. In the pilot we learn that there was another ship that left Krypton before its demise. That ship was carrying young Kara Zor-El. Her parents sent her to Earth to watch over her infant cousin, Kal. However due to the force of the planet's explosion, her ship was sent astray, lost in the Phantom Zone where she did not age.Eventually when her pod arrived on Earth, Kara found baby Kal was all grown up and needed no protection. He was Superman. Her cousin, now older than her, brought her to the Danvers family to be raised and lead a somewhat normal life.Needless to say, hiding her secret enticed her to let it out so she could help people, be like her cousin.
Being introduced to Kara as an adult confirms how alike Clark Kent and Kara Danvers are. Clark, of course, works for the Daily Planet in Metropolis while Kara is assistant to Cat Grant of CatCo Worldwide Media. She's rocking the glasses to hide her true identity just like Clark but she's herself. We see a superhero struggling with the confidence to be the hero National City needs. With the help of her friends Winn and James (Olsen of the Daily Planet), she builds her confidence that she is just as good as Superman. She even gets encouragement from Clark in an episode.
Kara also learns that her sister, Alex, is an agent of the DEO, an organization that hunts aliens to study and sometimes imprison them for the sake of humanity. She's not thrilled about this but eventually comes to trust the DEO, working with and for them. This brings Kara and Alex closer, causing them to spend more time together.
I won't say too much more so you'll watch the show. Supergirl is no longer on CBS but on the CW. I thoroughly enjoy this show and I feel it is well executed tying Kara's story to Clark. I have to wait to see season 2 when it is on Netflix to see Superman and Supergirl in action together but it'll be worth the wait. I wish Henry Cavill would've guess starred in the series having been on a television series himself but we'll see how this new Superman incarnation measures up. Make sure you tune in to Supergirl on the CW! It's about time we got our female superhero groove on! 


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