America is MY Country

I am Filipino, Italian, and Spanish. That is my ethnicity, my heritage but I am American. I identify first and foremost as an American because as such I have the freedom to embrace my ethnic background. The Philippine, Italy, and Spain flags will always be apart of me but I fly the American flag because America is my country.
With the 4th of July tomorrow, I feel we, as a country, has failed to see what we really are celebrating. We have taken our country for granted. I posted a video on Facebook which told the story of how Francis Scott Key wrote our national anthem. What the anthem is, what it stands for is more than what it has become today. It was a symbol of hope, victory and freedom. I used the first flag of our country because to get back on track, we need to start from the beginning again. It's sad what we have become. We've had leaders in the past who wished to unite us, keep us united, and never forget what we strive for.
Present day America, we are divided. How quickly we forget 9/11. Those people on those planes were heroes. Those on the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania, did that to defend our freedom, our country. They stopped the terrorists from their ultimate target. These people died so that our country would be safe. These people were killed because ignorant, arrogant, and prejudice individuals hated what our country stands for.
The Orlando shootings, the shooting of Christina Grummie, the multiple school shootings across the country, and the murder of Americans overseas is unacceptable. Despite the multiple shootings/violent crimes that occur in the United States, nothing is being done about it. All I hear anymore is "Stop Trump, Stop Trump." This is a free country. ANYONE who has the means can run for the Presidential seat however the downside is, many say that through our election system our voices are being heard. This could not be more false. The people we supposedly vote into office never listen to the people. They listen to money. The abandonment of our wonderful country is as bad as burning the American flag. It is not the country that is the problem, it is the people running it. During this independence day I call each of you to action again. Let's make this country a free, peaceful, diverse, and accepting country. Our ancestors came to this country at the hope of a better life and look what we have become. Our government would rather take care of refugees than care for their own people first. They deny us a better life. They deny us aid but reward foreigners with the aid that should be going to our own countrymen above all else. Our armed forces give their lives for this country, make the ultimate sacrifices while our supposed law makers take trips, dine on fine food and party it up like they have no worries while when they return they are ignored by the government who used their lives for their own political agendas. What is the 4th of July about anymore? I assure you it is not about fireworks or picnics. This 4th of July I shall mourn the country we've lost  and mourn the lives lost as we continuously forget their sacrifices and put up a front at the face of tragedy. CHANGE NEEDS TO HAPPEN and I'm not about to elect children into the government because it is children who are running for President the way they bully each other and not concentrate on making this country what it once was, a beckon of hope.


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