Remembering 9/11

9/11 is an important and tragic day in our history. What I can't get over is that we tend to only honor the memory of those lost on this specific day. We should honor their memory everyday by treating each other better. We should honor their memory by making this country greater than what it was. 9/11 is not only about remembering but it is about coming out stronger and that is one thing we did not do. Look at all the greed and laughing stock we are to the rest of the world. Look at how we treat our soldiers when their service is complete. How many of them do we set up with jobs once they're out of the service? How many of them are set up with homes and anything they need? They risk their lives for our country and for what? To be treated like nothing. So many veterans are homeless and jobless.
So many people are suffering in poverty and are treated like they're nothing. We have turned against each other. Instead of helping each other, we turn to prejudice. We were so wrapped up in preventing people from their right to marriage that we lost sight of what makes our country great. The heroes of 9/11, those that died this day 14 years ago were proud Americans and proud to be here. The soldiers who gave their lives for Operation Freedom fought for the great country they knew which allowed our freedoms and did not discriminate. So today as we remember that horrible day, we must also remember how to honor our fallen and make them proud by making America shine as it once did. We can do that. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is OUR country not THEIR country. Let's truly show how great this country is and can be. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the heroes/victims of that day. Remember too, everyday that passes is a reminder to them not just today of what they lost that day. We need to remember everyday not just on the anniversary. What will your choice be?


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