America Getting the Bad Rap

After reading Ariana Grande's colorful words for her home country, I felt a need to write this entry. First I did read her apology and I must agree with Mr. Rob Lowe, it was lame. I felt she was more trying to justify what she said than truly being sorry for saying it. Also, her actions make her a bit hypocritical. She talks about promoting healthy eating and the child obesity statistics in our country then I'd also like to point out it's not just your words, Ms. Grande that is offensive but your mannerism. You licked a sugary doughnut, didn't pay for it and now there are allegations that you spit on it. Don't criticize people for what they like. Secondly, obesity is not all due to what the person eats. I have been overweight all my life and trust me, the country is not to blame. It is the officials, parents, and such. Children learn how to eat, what to eat by routine. There are plenty of thin people out there who eat what they shouldn't and still maintain their figure. I live a life of poverty where eating healthy is too expensive so I can't stick to a healthy diet all the time. Most of us must eat what we can afford. We don't all have the luxury of having the nutrition we must. We do what we must to survive and frankly I think your apology is a cop out because you got caught saying something you shouldn't have, doing something you shouldn't have, and if you didn't get caught, would you have regretted saying that? How about apologizing to the store owner for your poor manners? You lick the doughnut, you buy the doughnut. We are all influences on society; some just get more noticed than others. It's one thing to do the right thing, it's another to believe in what you're doing and I'm not feeling it from your apology. I'm an American who struggles to get to the next paycheck and keep up with my bills. Do I hate America? No because of what it stands for, what our ancestors meant for this country to be for us. The problem isn't the country, it's the people in it and the greed that runs their "American Dream." America is supposed to be the land of opportunity and hope. It's about time we start acting like it and bring this country to the glory it deserves. I am proud to be an American and always will be.


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