Taylor Swift: Better Country or Better Pop?

(*Disclaimer: I don't own the images on here. I used images from google.)
Taylor Swift
Country Artist
Breakout year: 2006
Breakout song: "Our Song"
Taylor Swift
 Pop Artist
Crossover Year: 2014
Crossover Album: 1989

I will be the first to admit that I resisted the storm known as Taylor Swift because frankly, I was annoyed by her; not so much her music but her. It was one of those things that you don't know why (aside from her continuous shocked look when she won an award) she annoyed me so much but then I slowly became a fan. Is there a difference between Country Taylor and Pop Taylor? Absolutely. Are we surprised by her crossover into pop music? Of course not. If you listen to her singles up to her final country album, Red, you can hear the transition between the traditional twang of country to the upbeat or "sick beat" of pop.
Listen to Taylor's single "Tim McGraw" and then listen to "Trouble." Can you hear the difference? As a Taylor fan, I must say the growth from one spectrum to another is amazing. Taylor is a modern day Debbie Gibson and with that type of talent, she has secured a long career for herself. The fact that she can dominate both country and pop genres has made her a threat in the music industry because it shows she is able to transform herself with no hesitation. She literally goes with the flow. This being said, which is better, country or pop Taylor? The answer is both. She fits in both worlds and she has the voice for it. Recently my anthem for the year is "Shake it off." It's what I'm learning to do with things that bother me but it's an empowering song. I can't wait to see what else Taylor has in store for us. 
Keep it coming, Taylor! You've only just begun!


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