Television Review: 13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why Starring Katherine Langford, Dylan Minnette, Kate Walsh, Steven Weber, and many more Premise: Hannah Baker takes her own life but before she does, she reveals what lead her to that point of self demise as well as telling the secrets of her classmates/friends who affected her decision. My Thoughts: This is without a doubt the most realistic show I've seen that depicts what an individual goes through before they hit that point of wanting to take their own life. I've seen many people who ignorantly talk about how suicide is a selfish act; why would anyone do that; they are quitters on life; there is so much to look forward to; it's a disorder. Here is the truth, and yes I've taken into account that people will disagree with me. Depression is not a disorder or chemical imbalance. There are things that contribute to that depression to bring it to the point of depression. For some it's their financial situation, others have experienced something ...