Jane...Jane... The Many Film Adaptations of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is one of the great literary masterpieces of all time. From a troubled yet humbled childhood, Jane grows into a strong willed, independent, woman who falls in love with her troubled yet passionately loving employer, Mr. Edward Rochester. It's a captivating story of choosing your path to your destiny. There have been many (and I do mean many) film adaptations of this literary classic. Each has its own translation of the book and its own essence. If you've never read or seen the story of Jane Eyre, here is the order of which I feel you should view the adaptations especially for those who rather view the film than read the book. However knowing the actual story prior helps in making a relation to the different film adaptations. Jane Eyre (1943) starring Orson Welles & Joan Fontaine The first film I ever saw of Jane Eyre was the 1943 version with brilliant actors Orson Welles (Citizen Kane) and Joan Fontaine (Rebecca). This is before I read ...